This is a must to read article for any system
administrator who administers Microsoft Windows Servers.
One of any system administrator duties, would be to
upgrade a current domain controller to a new hardware
server. One of the crucial steps required to
successfully migrate your domain controller, is to be
able to successfully transfer the FSMO roles to the new
hardware server.
FSMO stands for Flexible Single
Master Operations, and in a forest there are at least five roles.
In this article, I will be showing you how to transfer
the FSMO in Windows Server 2008,
and in
my next article, I will show you the complete steps
required to successfully migrate/upgrade your domain
controller to a new hardware server.

The five FSMO roles
- Schema Master
- Domain Naming Master
- Infrastructure Master
- Relative ID (RID)
- PDC Emulator
The FSMO roles are going to be
transferred, using the following three MMC snap-ins :
- Active Directory Schema
snap-in : Will be used to transfer
the Schema Master role
- Active Directory Domains
and Trusts snap-in : Will be used to
transfer the Domain Naming Master role
- Active Directory Users
and Computers snap-in : Will be used to
transfer the RID Master, PDC Emulator, and
Infrastructure Master roles
Note: The following steps
are done on the Windows Server 2008 machine that I
intend to set as the roles holder ( transfer the roles to it )
Lets start transferring the FSMO roles.
Active Directory Schema snap-in to transfer
the Schema Master role
You have
to register schmmgmt.dll in order
to be able to use the Active Directory Schema
- Click Start >
- Type regsvr32

- Click OK

A popup message will confirm that
schmmgmt.dll was successfully registered. Click
- Click Start >
Run, type mmc, then click OK

- Click File >
then click Add/Remove Snap-in...

- From the left side, under
Available Snap-ins, click on
Active Directory Schema, then click
Add > and then click OK

- Right click Active
Directory Schema, then click Change
Active Directory Domain Controller...

- From the listed Domain
Controllers, click on the domain controller that you
want to be the schema master role holder and then
click on OK

You will receive a message box stating that the
schema snap-in is not connected to a schema
operations master. That is for sure, as we have not
yet set this Windows Server 2008 domain controller
as a Schema Master role holder. This will be
done in the next step. Click OK

- In the console tree, right
click Active Directory Schema [DomainController.DomainName],
and then click Operations Master...

- On the Change Schema
Master page, the current schema master role
holder will be displayed ( ex. ELMAJ-DC.ELMAJDAL.NET) and
the targeted schema holder as well
(ex. ELMAJ-DC2K8.ELMAJDAL.NET). Once you click
Change, the schema master holder will

Click Yes to confirm the role

The role will be transferred and a confirmation
message will be displayed. Click OK

Then click Close, as you can see in
the below snapshot, the current schema master is

Using Active Directory Domains
and Trusts snap-in to
transfer the Domain Naming Master Role
- Click Start >
Administrative Tools > then click
Active Directory Domains and Trusts

- Right click Active
Directory Domains and Trusts, then click
Change Active Directory Domain Controller...

From the listed Domain
Controllers, click on the domain controller that you
want to be the Domain Naming master role holder and then
click on OK

- Right click Active
Directory Domains and Trusts, then click
Operations Master...

- On the Operations Master page,
we are going to change the Domain Naming role holder

Click YES to confirm the transfer
of the Domain Naming role

The role will be transferred and a confirmation
message will be displayed. Click OK
, then click Close

Till now, we have successfully
transferred two FSMO roles, the Schema Master role and the
Domain Naming role. The last three roles can be transferred
using a single Snap-in.
Using Active Directory Users
and Computers snap-in to
transfer the RID Master, PDC Emulator, and
Infrastructure Master Roles
- Click Start >
Administrative Tools > then click Active
Directory Users and Computers

- Right click Active Directory
Users and Computers, then click All Tasks
> Operations Master...

- You will have three Tabs, representing
three FSMO roles (RID,
PDC, Infrastructure). Click the Change
button under each of these three tabs to transfer
the roles.

Click Yes to confirm the role

The role will be transferred and a confirmation
message will be displayed. Click OK

As for the Infrastructure role, once you
click on the Change button you will receive
the below message

By default, when you first install your first Domain
Controller, it holds the five roles and beside that it is a
Global Catalog. If your environment is a
multi-domain/forest, then you should think about structuring
your FSMO roles and transfer the Infrastructure role to a
none Global Catalog domain controller. Else if you have small number of domain
controllers ( ex. two domain controllers) then you should
not worry about this. Click Yes

The Tabs should now look like this:

That's it, by now, you have successfully
transferred the five FSMO roles to the Windows Server 2008
Domain Controller.
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